Hi, I’m Nikki!

I help ambitous women on a spiritual journey tap into their intuition so they can live a life that is

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Hi! I am Nikki Kountouriotis aka Nikki K. I am an Intuition Coach and Spiritual guide.

I work with women that are ready to take radical action towards living a life that they are jumping out of bed with excitement and joy for.

If you think this is some far off fantasy then you’ve come to the right place. I teach women how to use the methods and daily practices I’ve used to go from overwhelmed and burned out mama to living with clarity and confidence everyday all while raising 2 teen daughters and being the CEO of multiple million $ companies.

Teaching women about all things mystical and magical and how to become empowered by their intuition and daily practices that keep them connected physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and ENERGETICALLY everyday, is my jam.


Grab my Meditation Bundle to find calm in your mind, body and soul.

You know that meditation is great for mind, body and soul, but it’s a struggle. Then this is for you! The Quick Calm Meditation Bundle is a simple way to create calm in your chaotic day.

Book an Akashic Record Reading to tap into your Higher Self.

An Akashic Record reading is a no limits channeled message from your soul’s energetic past, present and future. Click the button to learn more and book your reading today.

Learn more about my Unlimited Sparks of Joy Membership

Inside Unlimited Sparks of Joy, you have permission to live a soul led life on your terms without the guilt. Living life as a busy mom doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.

What my clients are saying…


“Everything Nikki said resonated with me! She saw the energy work  I am working on even though I never stated it! and even knew that I was already starting to feel guilty knowing I’m going to be leaving my current job to pursue my spiritually based career.  I received all the confirmation and support needed to feel more at ease with this huge transition. Also gave me quite the boost of confidence knowing I am on the right path!! Thanks so much again Nikki!”- Diana Delgadillo

“Nikki is a highly intuitive and very caring Akashic record reader. Nikki's advice resonated with me, confirming things that I know, but did not really accept. Nikki listens to spirit and shares that information with her clients. She is the real deal! I highly recommend that you use Nikki's services. You will not be sorry!” Angela Legh

“Nikki spoke pure resonance with everything she told me about needing to continuing to focus on self worth and self love to needing to implement a daily physical movement practice to ground more into my body. She was spot on in where I was in my journey and what I needed to continue to focus on moving forward. I would without hesitation recommend working with Nikki because she is extremely passionate about supporting others on their journey and is divinely connected to spirit.”- Kristine King


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