What the heck is intuition anyway?

I’d like to clear up a few misconceptions on intuition.  Let’s start by explaining what intuition is not.

Intuition is not being a psychic who can predict the future.  Although someone who is intuitive can also be psychic.  A psychic is intuitive but can also read the energy of people, places, things in the past, present and future.  

Being intuitive does not mean you have the answers to everything. You may feel confident in your decisions in life because of your intuition but you still can’t solve every problem in the world because of your intuitive abilities.

Intuition is not something that is gifted to special people that are healers or mystics. Every being was born here on earth with an inner guidance system that is a natural sensory system that relates to your emotional, mental, energetic, physical and spiritual body.

I’m certain that you’ve heard the phrase intuition or intuitive a time or 2, or maybe even 100, but don’t really know what the heck it means.  

Intuition can often be referred to as your gut feeling, inner GPS, higher self, or inner knowing.

Our intuition comes through in small still voices.  It’s that initial thought or reaction or maybe even a feeling in response to something.  It’s the message that comes through to us before the analytical overactive monkey mind takes over the show.  It’s the voice that tells you that something is off when you enter an unfamiliar space of people which follows the thought of I better leave now.  

It’s our connection to God Source, the Divine and our higher self.  It’s the guidance and love that you feel when you are being fully alert and present in your day.  Not wracking your mind about what you will make for dinner but just being present.

Our intuition is our soul’s language.  It can speak to us through a feeling, a thought, a vision, a sound, a smell, a taste, an energy we feel or even just a knowing.  

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and knew what they were going to say next?

Has your phone rang and you knew before looking at it who was calling?

Have you ever had a feeling that someone was telling you a lie?

Have you ever had a vision of not waking up on time for something just to forget to set your alarm clock and you overslept?

This is your intuition at work. Don’t be so quick to dismiss these intuitive hits.  The more you trust in your intuition the stronger it becomes.  

There's a lot more to learn about intuition.   Next week I will be discussing what can block your intuition and how to strengthen your abilities.  So stay tuned. 


6 ways you could be blocking your intuition


How to stop blocking your own growth